The Augmented Reality Poetry Machine

The Augmented Reality Poetry Machine

The Augmented Reality Poetry Mailbox (Now rebranded to The Augmented Reality Poetry Machine) is a Global Poetry Installation created by Digital Poetics. It debuted at the MIT Hacking Arts Conference in December of 2019.

In 2021,  The Augmented Reality Poetry Machine was sent to Earth’s moon as part of a larger payload delivery with Astrobotic. 


How It Works

The original title of the mailbox is You Are The Digital Poem. In an onsite installation, a poet creates a poem cycle in real-time. The poetry is then placed into an augmented reality environment for subjects to find and interact with. The subject matter of the poems are the participants themselves.  The poem cycles are created through a digital “interviews” based upon answers participants share via online submission or in a face-to-face interview with the poet.